
The Story Behind
Saturnus Capital

Blockchain is pushing the boundaries of computer science and economics, allowing for a new design space for a decentralized and open internet. We are only beginning to see the influence that blockchain will have on global economic transformation.

Saturnus Capital is a leading crypto-native investing and technology firm focused on venture and quantitative strategies launched in 2018. Today we manage and trade more than $72.3 million on behalf of over 46,000 investors and have over 20 employees in the NFT and Virtual Real Estate Space.
Our heritage and our combination of the best of conservatism and innovation keep us well-positioned to create lasting value for our clients. With 20 investment professionals, We have offices in the US and Canada, with several alternate investment vehicles under the management of our experts.

Year Founded
NFT Assets​
72.3 0 m

Our Philosophy

Our team’s internal code of standards far exceeds the expectations of the regulatory environment in which we operate. We are conscientious market participants advocating for fair and translucent markets for everyone. This philosophy influences every aspect of our research.

Security is #1 at
Saturnus Capital

The Saturnus Capital platform uses encryption in transit, encryption at rest, and address whitelisting to ensure that your money is safe whilst you earn. We take security very seriously to ensure that you have the tools to buy, hold and earn interest on your crypto as safely as possible.